Monday, 1 January 2018

My investment return for year 2017

Finally is the end of year 2017,
this year my investment return: ROA is 24.9%, ROE is 40.5%.
I again tasted how it feels to have the investment income more than active income.

Below is the comparison of my investment portfolio at the start and end of year 2017:

Start of year 2017:
1) NESTLE (29%)
2) AEONCR (23%)
3) PANAMY (19%)
4) LPI (19%)
5) PBBANK (6%)
6) DLADY (4%)

End of year 2017:
1) AEONCR (30%)
2) LPI (22%)
3) NESTLE (15%)
4) PANAMY (12%)
5) PBBANK (6%)
6) F&N (5%)
7) Others like COCOLAND, DLADY, HARTA, HUPSENG (totally 10%)

This year my investment return were mainly contributed by these three companies:
AEONCR which rose from RM9.58 (bonus issue adjusted) to RM13.46.
NESTLE from RM78.20 to RM103.20。
PANAMY from RM30.68 to RM38.96。

There was a company which I bought a little at RM2.53,
thinking to invest for long term,
but suddenly the buy over news came out,
so I sold all at RM3.08.

Yeah right, that is OLDTOWN.
My only regret was that I should had bought a lot more OLDTOWN shares at RM2.53.........

My investment return for the past few years:
2011 : ROE = +28.0%
2012 : ROE = +32.8%
2013 : ROE = +15.0%, ROA = +13.3% (started using SMF)
2014 : ROE =  -12.0%, ROA =  - 8.0%
2015 : ROE = +21.6%, ROA = +13.3%
2016 : ROE = +38.0%, ROA = +22.2%
2017 : ROE = +40.5%, ROA = +24.9%

If I have 1 million at the start of year 2011,
after 7 years of investment,
it would have grown into around 4 million,
annual compound interest is 22.1%.

This year my investment return is good,
but the total value of my investment portfolio dropped by 10%,
this is because my target of year 2017 is DE-LEVERAGE.
Even though my value of investment portfolio is decreased,
but my SMF loan amount was reduced by 90%,
and my net worth increased by more than 40%.

Currently out of my total investment capital,
33% of it was the actual money I put into,
4% is SMF,
the rest 63% was all the profit.

For example,
if the value of my investment portfolio is 100K,
then 33K is the actualy money I spent,
4K is from SMF,
63K is the profit I accumulated from share market.

That's all for the conclusion of my investment return for year 2017,
hopefully my investment return for year 2018 will be as good as 2017~

Investment is about doing own thinking, making own decision.

Thanks for reading.

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