Saturday, 10 March 2018

PANAMY 2018 3rd Quarter Financial Report

Today let's talk about PANAMY.

let's have a look at the latest financial result of PANAMY:


I remember that previous quarter result was quite bad,
so I am quite satisfied with the revenue and profit of this quarter~

As for the segmental reporting:

There was a great improvement in Home Appliance products,
however the Fan and other products..............

Looking back at my article about PANAMY 2nd quarter financial report which written at 30th November last year,
the management mentioned that by increasing marketing and promotional activities,
the sales of fan products will be improved.

Did they fulfill what they said?

I would say YES....
even though the revenue of fan products still less than last year,
but the gap between became smaller,
so yeah the increasing marketing and promotional activities were proven to be useful~

As for revenue based on geographical location:
Very obvious that this year improvement in revenue was contributed by the Middle East market.

Management's review:
The management mentioned that the sales of home shower products was higher because of cooler weather in Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia.

This is interesting though.

If the weather is cold, more Home shower products will be sold.
If the weather is hot, more Fan products will be sold.
Now only I realized that the products of PANAMY hedged with each other~

like what I mentioned above,
the sales at Middle East markets recovered.

Lastly, the prospects and outlook:
Even though there was recovery in Middle East market,
but the political uncertainties still a worrying factor.

By the way,
the factory expansion didn't mention in the recent reports...........
I wonder what is going on........
Maybe only can find out at AGM around August this year.........

Investment is about doing own thinking, making own decision.

Thanks for reading.

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