Thursday, 31 December 2020

My investment return for year 2020

From September 2020 to December 2020,
the shares price of glove companies dropped a lot,
while shares price of companies from other industries rose.

As a result,
my investment return for year 2020 : ROA = 24.2%, ROE = 41.7%.

Below is the comparison of my investment portfolio at the start of year 2020 till now:

Start of year 2020:
1) HARTA (26%)
2) AEONCR (20%)
3) LPI (14%)
4) ALLIANZ (13%)
5) STMKB (11%)
6) AEON (8%)
7) NESTLE (6%)
8) PANAMY (2%)

1) AEONCR (20%)
2) HARTA (19%)
3) ALLIANZ (16%)
4) STMKB (14%)
5) ELKDESA (10%)
6) KAWAN (10%)
7) KOSSAN (5%)
8) TOPGLOV (5%)
9) LPI (1%)

My positive return were mostly contributed by the appreciation of shares price which I bought during the bear market at March and April,
of course glove companies contributed the majority of the profit.

I lost around 1/3 of my net worth during the bear market at March,
so now I can say that I finally earn back what I lost.

For example,
if I have 100K at the start of year 2020,
then I only left with 66K after the bear market.

From 66K back to 140K,
I had to earn 74K by investing 66K only,
which means that my return from the lowest point of shares market until now is around 112.1%.

My investment return for the past few years:
2011 : ROE = +28.0%
2012 : ROE = +32.8%
2013 : ROE = +15.0%, ROA = +13.3% (started using SMF)
2014 : ROE =  -12.0%, ROA =  - 8.0%
2015 : ROE = +21.6%, ROA = +13.3%
2016 : ROE = +38.0%, ROA = +22.2%
2017 : ROE = +40.5%, ROA = +24.9%
2018 : ROE = +16.0%, ROA = +13.3%
2019 : ROE =    -2.2% , ROA =   -3.2%
2020 : ROE = +41.7% ,ROA = +24.2%

If I have 1 million at the start of year 2011,
after 10 years of investment,
it will appreciate to 6.45 million.

I was an university student at year 2011,
I didn't even have 10k as my initial capital....

If without using SMF,
after 10 years it will grow into slightly above 4 million,
so I have to admit that SMF really helped me a lot.

As for my investment strategy for the future......................

For now,
the pandemic seems like nothing is changing,
even the vaccines are out,
but the virus will not disappear right away,
so my investment is still no changes as well.

Just that.......
everyone please think twice before going out to travel.


Traveling is same like investing,
all are about doing own thinking,
making own decision,
and you take full responsibility of your decision.

since I will stop translating my future articles into English.

For the past few months,
every time I feel like wanting to write something,
and thinking that after writing in Chinese version I still need to translate into English version,
I suddenly lost the interest of writing.

Making this blog as Chinese version + English version somehow became a burden for me,
so I decided to stop English version,
and fully focusing on Chinese version.

I am sorry for English version readers.

Everyone please take care and good bye.

Thanks for reading.

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